About the Doctor


Dr Varun Rai
Dr Varun RaiENT Specialist and Head & Neck Surgeon
Dr Varun Rai, Consultant ENT and head and neck surgeon at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital has received training in Sialendoscopy and salivary gland surgery by the pioneer of this technique, Dr Francis Marchal at ISIAL, Geneva, Switzerland. He is also actively involved in training young surgeons in this technique and conducted the First SGRH Sialendoscopy workshop on 24th April 2016. He is also involved in research projects, the latest being to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of ultrasound in detecting obstructive pathologies in inflammatory salivary gland diseases. He has also been awarded the status of Visiting Fellow in advanced sialendoscopic procedures by the University of Milan, Italy where he underwent training in 2017 under Prof. Pasquale Capaccio.